Update on ACT! for iPad
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to report that the iApp for getting ACT! on the iPad is almost out of Beta and will be up on the App store in a few weeks. W00T!!
Here is a screenshot from my iPad:
This shot shows the Contact list on the left, the Contact fields and geographic information in the middle and the Activities on the right.
This program allows you to sync your ACT! database to an App on the iPad. You can add contacts, schedule activities, clear activities and sync it all back to your desktop ACT! database. It is not the full-blown program, but it comes very close.
There will be two versions: Standard and Pro.
I have been beta testing this app and i like it a lot.
I will have more information soon but for now you can call and schedule a demo.
With our cutting-edge technology, we can share our iPad screen with you so you can see exactly how it works, not just screen shots.
If you’ve been waiting to get ACT! on your iPad, you are going to LOVE this program.