Tag: malware

Microsoft 365 security pain points and how to solve them

Many businesses prefer Microsoft 365 not only because of its powerful features and cost-saving benefits, but also because of its world-class security. However, the cyberthreat landscape is constantly evolving, so using this suite of cloud-based tools and services will always come with security challenges. Fortunately, Microsoft is continuously looking for ways to address these issues Learn More “Microsoft 365 security pain points and how to solve them”

Why managed IT services is best for cybersecurity

Today’s companies need technology to function. Without it, businesses cannot compete and succeed. But with technology comes the ever-constant threat of hackers and cybercriminals. That’s why small- and mid-sized businesses need to protect themselves with robust cybersecurity solutions managed by IT professionals. The numbers According to the Ponemon Institute’s 2019 State of Cybersecurity in Small Learn More “Why managed IT services is best for cybersecurity”