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3 Excel level-up tips

Microsoft Excel’s new features now make it easier than ever to process data and present information visually. Help yourself to our three useful tips now.

Microsoft changes how it updates Windows 10

Before, whenever Microsoft’s hardware partners released updates on their drivers, those updates caused multiple problems for Windows 10 users. To resolve that, Microsoft revised the way it updates Windows 10. First, let’s distinguish between driver updates and operating system (OS) updates: Driver updates – A driver is software that allows your computer’s OS to communicate Learn More “Microsoft changes how it updates Windows 10”

The business benefits of IAM

Your employees access applications and confidential business data every day. Hackers, on the other hand, are trying to do the exact same thing but for more malicious reasons. What’s worse, even employees can go rogue and steal your data, which is why it’s crucial that you have an identity and access management (IAM) solution in Learn More “The business benefits of IAM”